SECAP Merano/Meran

Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan Merano/Meran

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The municipality of Merano joined the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in August 2012, engaging voluntarily for climate protection and adaptation and elaborated a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) in 2013. The aim of the project is to support the municipality of Merano with the rework and the extension of the SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plan) to a SECAP (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan). Eurac Research complements the missing parts on adaptation of climate change of the report regarding the analysis of risks and vulnerability, as well as adaptation actions.

Aktionsplan Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Meran
Zebisch M, Laner P (2020)

Conference: Emergenza climatica| cosa succede in Alto Adige | Bolzano/ Bozen : 22.1.2020 - 22.1.2020

Adaptation Strategy for the City of Merano - a participatory process (Workshop)
Dalla Torre C, Rohrer M (2020)

Conference: ALPACA Online Conference on climate change communication | online | 30.6.2020 - 1.7.2020

SECAP Meran: Aktionsplan für nachhaltige Energie und Klima.Entwurf des Endberichtes zum Aktionsplan für Klimaanpassung vom 07.01.2020, Version A. Nicht genehmigtes Dokument. Vorlage für den Gemeinderat
Laner P, Renner K, Weiß M, Pedoth L, Dalla Torre C, Merlin M, Zebisch M (2020)
Meran: Gemeinde Meran

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Bürgerbeteiligung Aktionsplan: Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Meran
Incontro con i cittadini: Piano di azione per l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici a Merano
Laner P, Renner K, Weiß M, Pedoth L, Dalla Torre C, Merlin M, Montali B, Zebisch M (2020)

Conference: Bürgerbeteiligung Aktionsplan| Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Meran | Merano/Meran : 16.1.2020 - 16.1.2020

SECAP Merano/Meran: Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan Merano/ Meran
Laner P (2019)

Conference: IMC 2019 - International Mountain Conference | Innsbruck | 8.9.2019 - 12.9.2019

Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Meran
Laner P (2019)

Conference: Jahrestagung des AGB - CGIL 2019 zum Thema "Umweltverträgliche Wirtschaft| Die Herausforderung des Jahrhunderts" | Bolzano/ Bozen : 15.5.2019 - 15.5.2019

Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of Merano/ Meran
Laner P (2019)

Conference: IMC 2019 - International Mountain Conference | Innsbruck | 8.9.2019 - 12.9.2019

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