
Matteo Prina

Matteo Prina

Matteo Prina

Senior Researcher
Institute for Renewable Energy

T +39 0471 055 587


  • Energy system modeling
  • Optimization algorithms
  • Big data and data visualization

Short Bio:

Matteo Giacomo Prina holds a Ph.D. in Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano. His Ph.D. thesis was focused on renewable energy high penetration scenarios using bottom-up modeling. He works at Eurac research since 2014. From 2021 he is working within the energy system modeling and e-mobility group (MEM). He has worked on several projects in the energy system modeling and scenario generation topics: Integrids, E2I@NOI, H2020 TRUST-PV, and also a Twinning project in Ukraine. His expertise varies from the development of algorithms for energy system modeling to the analysis and visualization of high amount of data. He also actively participated in the OpenMod initiative meetings.

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